

DNA Anabolics
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$110.90 $55.45
0.08 KGS
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Product Dosage: 2 caps/day

Product Description: 60 capsules/per bottle, time release capsules

4 ingredients:
- is a naturally-derived non-hormonal anabolic and anti-catabolic compound known as a flavone. It has been shown to decrease cortisol levels, increase protein synthesis, and improve overall recovery from exercise. 5-Methyl-7-Methoxy-Isoflavone is suitable for anyone wanting to gain muscle size and strength without adversely affecting their hormone levels or health. Strength and power athletes (such as rugby players or sprinters), bodybuilders, or those interested in improving their physical appearance will likely benefit. What's more, the patent shows that it's free from "androgenic or liver-damaging side effects".

7-oxyodehyroepiandrosterone (7-keto DHEA)
- is a derivative of DHEA, so this hormone does not actually build muscle in the traditional way we think of. Instead, it works by reducing cortisol, thus helping build muscle by stopping it from breaking down. This is the reason 7-Keto was used in many cortisol control products. Interestingly, when studied on rats, 7-Keto demonstrated thermogenic activity. The great thing about this particular hormone is that it produces these effects without impacting the cardiovascular or central nervous system (CNS), which is often the case with stimulant based thermogenic products. Therefore, it is not surprising that 7-Keto is added in many fat burning products.

- Although this hormone does not directly contribute to muscle building, it is a very beneficial compound, since many of the prohormones on the market today convert to estrogen, so the use of an aromatase inhibitor is necessary while using them. You would definitely want to use arimistane when running something like 4-Andro, or other very “wet” compounds.

Aceacetin (5,7-dihydroxy-4'-methoxyflavone)

        -is an anti-aromatase and estrogenic activity blocker that is derived from the Damiana Plant. Aromotase is the essential part to estrogen synthesis in the human body and Acacetin has been shown by researchers to be the most effective natural substance to block the synthesis. Acacetin is used by body builders, athletes and weightlifters to control the amount of estrogen in their bodies when cycling with androgenic compounds to avoid complications due to a conflicting hormonal balance.
