Posted by JW on 13th Jul 2014

Understanding Transdermal

Following the introduction of several new Transdermal products we thought it might be a good time to a little basic lesson on understanding how they work in order you can make an informed decision over the delivery route you wish to use for your supplements.

Transdermal is the sees the active of a product delivered through the skin for systemic distribution. Supplements that are designed to be used this way have advanced carrier agents which allow the ingredients to penetrate the two skin layers, the Epidermis and Dermis.

There are generally better areas to apply a transdermal too as the effect is not localized it is about getting the best level of absorption.

Generally it is best to apply a product after showering and ideally exfoliating in order that excess dead skin cells are removed and cannot cause obstruction. Then there are benefits from applying where minimal body hair exists so as not to lose a percentage in hairs.

Many products recommend the shoulders, traps and upper chest suggesting that there is more or better receptor uptake in these regions also.

Ultimately the goal is to reach the dermis where small vessels distribute drugs into the systemic circulation.